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tentative conclusion中文是什么意思

用"tentative conclusion"造句"tentative conclusion"怎么读"tentative conclusion" in a sentence


  • 暂时结论


  • The analysis of lunar rocks and soil samples has led to a number of tentative conclusions about the past history of our satellite .
  • Part four : based on the analysis of survey and research , a tentative conclusion is drawn in this chapter
  • I will consult various stakeholders along the way and try to reach some tentative conclusions for further study and consultation with the community
  • The most interesting problem is the measurement of loan , which is the biggest part in the bank asset . which measurement base is better , historical cost or fair value or anything else ? this paper wants to weight the advantages and disadvantages of these measurement bases and have a tentative conclusion
    为此,本文从会计计量属性入手对于使用最多的计量属性? ?历史成本与公允价值进行了分析,分析了它们各自的优缺点以及计算方法,并对公允价值在金融工具中的使用现状进行了一个回顾。
  • Therefore , based or a great number of literature reviews , this paper employs questionnaires , on - the spot interview , mathematical statistic approach and logical deductive approach , etc to have a research on the health education of the key middle schools in shandong province . here , the author draws the following tentative conclusions : 1 . in shandong province , the health education has n ' t been paid much attention to yet , few schools have set the leading office for health education and the leading personnel have less authority
    为此,本文从调查山东省重点中学的健康教育现状的入手,在占有大量文献资料的驯上,采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑归纳法等多种研究方法,对山东省重点中学健康教育进行研究,初步得出以下结论: 1 、山东省重点中学的健康教育尚禾得到克分重视,设有健康教育领导机构的学校较少,领导机构成员的权威不高。
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